Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Create A Diet Chart

Making a Chart

Creating your own diet chart is fun, easy and can save you money over using a membership website or purchased software. Being able to make a fully customized diet chart can also help to meet specific goals that other charts might not be able to as accurately. Probably most important is having the ability to create a chart you know you'll use on a daily basis which in the end will result in faster weight loss results and a sleeker, slimmer body.


Starting Out

1. Open a blank spreadsheet and save it to the computer so it can easily be found and used.

2. Leaving the first column blank, create eight columns along the top of the spreadsheet naming the first one "Goals" and then each one thereafter a different day of the week (For example Sunday to Saturday or Monday to Sunday).

3. Along the left side of the spreadsheet, leaving the top column blank, make multiple columns which will be used each day named the following:


-Calories Consumed

-Minutes Exercised


-Thoughts on the Day

4. Make additions to the left side column of the spreadsheet where needed, based on specific needs and goals. Enter all starting goals for the week before using the diet chart so that progress can better be tracked throughout the week and the chart is ready to go.

Tags: column blank, diet chart, left side, which will