Monday, July 30, 2012

Treat Poliomyelitis

Polio, short for poliomyelitis, was once a devastating illness that affected millions. Nowadays it isn't as prevalent but does still exist. Unfortunately, polio leaves many disfigured and crippled. There are treatments to minimize the side effects, disfigurement and other aspects.


1. See your doctor. Your doctor will advise you of a treatment plan and prescribe you antibiotics. Take these antibiotics as advised. Also get analgesics and take these for pain.

2. See a physical therapist. You will have to go in for daily or weekly training sessions. The physical therapist will make you work on your troublesome and crippled areas. He may also give you exercises to practice at home daily.

3. Purchase a portable ventilator. If you have trouble breathing use your ventilator. This is especially true if you are outside during less than favorable weather conditions, if there is smog or high winds.

4. Eat a well balanced diet. Avoid excessive sugar and fatty foods. Eat foods rich in zinc and calcium. You need to rebuild your strength and muscular agility. Keep your body covered and warm while exercising. Take care of yourself and see your doctors regularly.

Tags: physical therapist, physical therapist will, therapist will