Thursday, July 5, 2012

Awaken Kundalini Energy

According to yoga theory, Kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine. Hindu mythology envisions kundalini energy as a coiled serpent, waiting to rear its powerful and energetic head. Kundalini energy relates to the energy of life itself, and awakening kundalini energy empowers yoga practitioners. Most people's kundalini energy has yet to be awakened, but some believe that an awakened kundalini is the only path to true enlightenment.


1. Purify your body. Eat nourishing and healthful foods, and drink plenty of water. Make sure you get enough sleep, and abstain from drinking, smoking or using recreational drugs. Kundalini energy is very powerful, and it can be dangerous if mixed with mind-altering substances.

2. Find a kundalini guru who can guide you through your journey of awakening. Although some people report a spontaneous awakening of kundalini energy, most people need an expert to help them through the process. In addition, a guru can steer you away from any dangers inherent to the awakening.

3. Practice yoga. Kundalini yoga is, of course, the one most likely to lead to an awakening of kundalini energy. It involves a series of poses that stimulate the base of the spine and the entire spinal cord region. However, you can also awaken kundalini energy by practicing hatha or bhakta or jnana yoga.

4. Meditate in order to develop selflessness and an objective sense of intellectual discovery. Although kundalini energy relates closely to the body's spiritual state, it is important that your mind be prepared for the big energetic changes to come. You should meditate to become aware of the present moment and remain connected to it.

5. Breath. Pranayama, or yogic breathing, is a part of all yoga practices, and the breath often serves as a guide to the energy entering or leaving the body. A good yoga practitioner can teach you the forms of pranayama that are most conducive to a gentle awakening of the kundalini.

6. Ground yourself spiritually. Because kundalini energy moves upward, it needs a counteracting downward force in order to balance itself. Practice yoga postures, and eating protein, which is particularly grounding.

Tags: awakening kundalini, kundalini energy, awakening kundalini energy, kundalini energy, base spine