Monday, July 9, 2012

How Does Acupressure Help Foot Pain


Acupressure is a popular way to help foot pain. This ancient Chinese healing technique is similar to acupuncture. The theory behind acupressure and acupuncture is that the body has numerous channels or pathways of invisible energy throughout the body. These pathways, called meridians, have acupuncture points along these channels. With acupuncture needles are used, and in acupressure fingers or knuckles are used to massage the acupuncture points. By massaging the acupuncture points, any pain or discomfort of the foot is alleviated.

What Is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. In this field of medicine, the belief is that energy sustains the life force, and when the energy is sluggish, disease and pain occurs. This energy is along the 12 main meridians in the body. There are also 300 acupressure points along the meridians. By accessing the meridians or acupuncture points, the energy within the body is stimulated to flow more freely. Acupressure removes any blockages to this life force energy and sends healing energy to the painful areas. Acupressure also helps to increase self-healing by improving the circulation of blood and lymph fluids throughout the body. The blood brings nutrients to all areas of the body and the lymph fluids remove the accumulated toxins and wastes. By applying deep, steady pressure to the appropriate acupuncture points, many painful ailments such as menstrual cramps, arthritis and muscle and joint pain have been reduced or eliminated.

How Acupressure Helps Foot Pain

The techniques for massaging the foot are simple and easy to do. The first step is to sit in a chair or on the edge of the bed. Lift up your foot and let it rest on the knee of the other leg. Have a view of the bottom of the foot. There are 60 pressure points on the bottom of the foot. You have many options to choose from. You can start by rubbing both feet and ankles to relax them. There are pressure points in the center of the bottom of each toe. With a downward motion, apply pressure using the tip of your thumb. Hold the pressure for one minute. Do this with each of the toes. There are also pressure points on the balls of your feet below each toe. Apply pressure to each of these areas for one minute. Be sure to breathe as you do this to relax the entire body and try to keep your back straight for optimum results. You can also apply pressure to the center of the foot, the center of the heel and the edges of the heel using the same method. Another acupressure point is the area between your large toe and the second toe. Apply pressure for one minute. Once one foot is massaged, do the other. By massaging these acupressure points on a daily basis, foot pain is gradually relieved.

Tags: acupuncture points, pressure points, acupressure points, Apply pressure, bottom foot, life force