Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Are Doshas

The ancient Hindu science of Ayurveda teaches that achieving balance in an individuals' dosha structure is essential in achieving true health. The three doshas--vata, pitta and kapha--each represent specific physical and mental constitution types in Ayurvedic medicine.

Dosha Balance

Each dosha type carries positive traits and strengths when in balance, and when out of balance, may demonstrate a set of predictable negative signs or conditions.

Vata Dosha

An individual with a balanced vata dosha may be described as creative, enthusiastic and lively. When vata dosha is not in balance, an individual may experience anxiety, insomnia or irregular digestion. People who have a lot of vata in their constitution may have a lighter frame, be tall and thin and may have dark brown or gray eyes.

Pitta Dosha

A balanced pitta dosha is expressed in a warm personality, and through the qualities of intelligence and determination. An unbalanced pitta dosha may cause an individual to express anger, criticism and intense aggressiveness. Physical characteristics which may indicate a pitta dosha include an average build and light-colored eyes.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha represents calmness, sweetness and loyalty. An individual with a kapha dosha may have a heavier frame, and thick, shiny dark hair. Unbalanced kapha dosha is most commonly expressed in being overweight.

Determining Dosha Type

Many people have characteristics that could be identified in each of these dosha groups. However, an individual usually has one dosha that is dominant over the other two. This becomes their leading dosha, and is often the first area where signs of imbalance may be identified.

Tags: pitta dosha, individual with, when balance