Venereal warts stems from the human pappiloma virus, which is also known as HPV. This form of HPV is commonly located on the penis, anus or vagina and is easily transmitted via unsafe sexual intercourse or even through the sharing of personal hygiene items. There is currently no cure for venereal warts, yet home remedies exist to relieve the pain and shorten the duration of an HPV outbreak.
Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment
Apple cider vinegar has commonly been used to treat numerous conditions, which include obesity, diabetes and hair loss. The high acidic content of apple cider vinegar soaks deep into the wart and while it does not kill the HPV virus, it does treat the physical wart. To utilize this home remedy, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and once it is drenched place the cotton ball directly onto the wart for fifteen minutes. For those with sensitive skin, dilute the solution by adding equal amounts of warm water with the apple cider vinegar.
Vitamin E and Crushed Garlic Treatment
Both Vitamin E and Garlic contain nutrients that soak deeply into skin cells, which prevent tissue breakdown. Through regular application of Vitamin E and crushed garlic, venereal warts will begin to swell and then slowly fall off. Application of these nutrients to the wart is simple and should be performed on a daily basis. Puncture a liquid Vitamin E capsule and rub directly onto the venereal wart. Gently add a small amount of crushed garlic onto the wart and lastly cover with an adhesive bandage.
Proteolytic Enzyme Treatment
Certain foods contain specific enzymes that when applied directly onto a wart begin to safely dissolve and weaken the surface outbreak. Foods such as Papaya, banana peels and pineapples contain these specific enzymes. In order to maximize the effects of these enzymes, extraction of their juices is necessary. Once juiced, apply directly onto the wart(s) on a daily basis. Cotton balls are an excellent tool to use to ensure the maximum amounts of enzymes are placed directly onto the affected area. Another method of utilizing these enzymes requires adhesive tape and small portions of the above fruits. Once the fruit has been chopped into penny-sized bits, secure the fruit directly onto the wart by using adhesive tape. Allow the fruit to rest on the wart up to an hour before removing and gently washing the area with warm water.
Tags: directly onto, onto wart, directly onto wart, apple cider, cider vinegar, adhesive tape, apple cider vinegar