Friday, May 3, 2013

How Does An Infection Start

Fungal Infections

There are many types of infections, and they all start with the introduction of either fungus, bacteria or viruses into the human body that break down a healthy human system. A fungal infection (like athlete's foot or a yeast infection) is caused by fungus, which is actually a primitive vegetable. Fungi live in air, dirt, plants and water. Some live in the body itself. Only half of all fungi are harmful.

Fungi reproduce through microscopic, airborne spores. You breathe in the spores, or they land on your skin, and a fungal infection develops. A fungus thrives in a warm, moist environment.

Fungi can be hard to get rid of. There are oral and topical antifungal medicines for treating the infections.

Bacterial Infections

Bacteria are small germs that can only be seen with a microscope. The bacteria surround a healthy human cell, and since bacteria are living organisms, they need food to survive. Bacteria produce substances that digest the living cell for food. The bacteria eat into the human cell, causing damage and beginning an infection. The body reacts by sending increased blood flow to the area, which results in fever, swelling and pain. There are as many types of bacterial infections as there are parts of the body. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria.

Viral Infections

Viruses attack the cells in a slightly different manner. Viruses are even tinier than bacteria, and when introduced into the body (let's say when a sick person sneezes on you), the virus surrounds a healthy human cell. The virus infiltrates the cell, and changes the DNA or RNA of the cell, altering the gene structure. With the cell's function genetically changed, the cell now ceases to function as a healthy cell and instead produces more viruses. The cell dies, the cell wall ruptures, and all the viruses that have multiplied in the cell spill out of the dead cell and go forth en masse to destroy other healthy cells. Now your infection is growing, and you may exhibit symptoms. As the viruses are destroying cells, the body reacts with inflammation by sending more blood to the area, which causes pain. Viral infections do not respond to antibiotics.

Tags: healthy human, human cell, area which, body reacts, fungal infection, healthy human cell