Monday, April 1, 2013

Walk On An Aircast

Although walking on an Aircast seems self-explanatory, some might find using the brace a bit challenging if they have never used one before. Aircasts allow more mobility than a standard plaster cast or walker boot after an ankle fracture. However, some might find the Aircast uncomfortable and limiting. Below are some tips for effectively walking with an Aircast while maintaining maximum comfort.


1. Properly inflate the air cell. Aircasts come pre-inflated with the right amount of air pressure to sustain an ankle injury and prevent unwanted movement. However, sometimes the air pressure may need to be adjusted for comfort. For this reason, Aircasts come with a straw, which can be used to inflate the air cell more. It is strongly advised that you consult your doctor before adjusting the air pressure, as you do not want to over- or under-inflate the cast and jeopardize the injury.

2. Buy bigger shoes. Although using the Aircast while wearing your shoes is normal, some may find that the cast "pinches" while wearing shoes that are too tight. However, a simple remedy to this problem is to buy a pair of cheap shoes that are wide-width and a half-size bigger than the size you would normally wear. It is also recommended that the footwear you choose should have laces to maximize support.

3. Wear slippers. To avoid unwanted wear and tear on the Aircast, especially the fragile heel cup portion of the cast, avoid wearing it barefoot or with only socks. The Aircast needs to be treated with care to provide maximum support for a healing fracture, and wearing the cast without footwear can cause the heel cup to break.

Tags: Aircast while, Aircasts come, inflate cell, might find, shoes that