Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Plant Eucalyptus Seeds

Sow eucalyptus seeds during springtime for best results.

Eucalyptus is a large family of shrubs and trees, consisting of more than 500 species. Australian and South Pacific natives, the evergreen has bluish-silvery, menthol scented foliage. The dried foliage is suitable for use in dried flower arrangements. The plant produces hard, wood-like seed capsules. Depending on the cultivar, capsules are oblong, cone-like or round. Seeds are most viable harvested from trees 10 years old and younger, according to Purdue University. Gardeners should sow eucalyptus seeds in springtime for the best success.


1. Hold the seed capsule over a plastic bowl. Shake the seed capsule to release the tiny seeds. Not all eucalyptus seeds are fertile, so sow more than one, according to Floridata.

2. Add fine sand to the bowl of seeds for equal distribution in the planting container. Mix a 50/50 ratio of sand and seeds together.

3. Fill a container that drains, or a seed-starting tray with soil. Use sandy loam, or a seed-starting mixture, as eucalyptus seeds prefer well-drained, lightweight soil mixtures. Press the soil with your hand to firm it up.

4. Water the soil to help it settle before planting. Saturate the soil until water comes from the container's drain holes. Planting the eucalyptus seeds in moist soil, helps them stick to the soil.

5. Sprinkle the eucalyptus seeds over the soil. Cover the seeds with 1/8 inch of soil. Press the soil down lightly with your hand.

6. Fill a plastic spray bottle with water. Turn the nozzle to mist. Spray the top of the container's soil until wet.

7. Set the container of seeds into another container that holds 1 to 2 inches of water. Keep the bottom container filled with 1 to 2 inches of water. It helps the soil stay moist and cuts down on overhead watering needs, which can displace and damage young seedlings.

8. Place the containers in an area located in full sun. The seeds should germinate in approximately two weeks.

9. Mist the soil regularly with the spray bottle to keep it moist. Water the soil with a gently stream of water, if not watering with a spray bottle. This reduces possible damage to the seedlings.

10. Thin the seedlings to the strongest one three weeks after germination. Trim the unwanted seedling off with pruning shears.

Tags: eucalyptus seeds, eucalyptus seeds, spray bottle, container that, inches water, more than