Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What Causes Front Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss is a problem for many women, but a hair loss that occurs in the front can be especially noticeable and embarrassing. There are a number of things that can cause this type of women's hair loss, from psychological disorders to side effects from facial surgery to genetic problems.


Being under a great deal of stress can cause hair to fall out in patches, including the patch of hair in the front, above the forehead. This kind of hair loss is not a permanent condition and the hair can eventually grow back.


Trichotillomania is a psychiatric disorder that causes people, most often women, to compulsively pull out strands of their hair. This often occurs in the front because it's easy to reach.


Alopecia areata can cause round hair patches to be lost, including the hair in the front. This is an autoimmune disease that can be treated successfully with steroid injections.


Scarring alopecia is a front hair loss that is caused by the scars left behind by a face lift. This type of hair loss can generally only be treated by hair transplant surgery.


Frontal hair loss is often caused by having too many harsh hair treatments like extensions, hair coloring and straightening.

Tags: hair loss, women hair loss, hair front, hair loss, hair loss that