Friday, February 17, 2012

Use Enzymes And Enzymatic Therapy

Enzymes exist in all living things. In fact, every food contains the enzymes needed to break it down during the digestion process. Not only are they necessary for digestion, there is an enzyme for each and every biochemical reaction in the body.


1. Functioning at its best, the human body needs three main types of enzymes. Metabolic enzymes kickstart body processes, from releasing digestive substances and hormones to regulating blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Digestive enzymes help the body break down and assimilate carbohydrates. Fresh plant enzymes begin the food digestion process as soon as the food enters the mouth and comes in contact with saliva.

Enzymes also assist in moving the nutrients received from food throughout the body. They work as a specialized delivery system that causes numerous chain reactions in the body.

2. Digesting the body's food and assimilating nutrients require numerous enzymes. The digestion process starts in the mouth as soon as the food enters it and is a continual working process until the waste is eliminated through the rectum. Bromelain and papain are two important digestive enzymes. Not only do they support the pancreas, gall bladder and liver, they also work throughout the digestive tract to keep things running smoothly. Found in pineapple and papaya, these enzymes are excellent anti-inflammatory agents that are also known to speed up the healing process.

Foods contain all the necessary enzymes to break them down through the digestion process. These enzymes can be destroyed through the cooking process. Many raw food enthusiasts believe eating foods in their raw uncooked state is the best way to make use of all of the food's enzymes.

3. Strengthening the body at the cellular level is a good way to build immunities and improve how our organs function. CoEnzyme Q10 is known as a direct catalyst for building cell energy. It also has a reputation of strengthening the heart muscle and boosting the body's immune system.

4. When taking enzymes or trying to eat enzyme-rich foods, there are some important things you need to remember. Enzymes are easily destroyed. High heat or an overly acid environment will destroy the enzymes. Microwaving your foods or cooking them for too long will deplete the stores of enzymes you may be hoping to consume. Tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, fluorides (like that in toothpaste) and chlorinated drinking water are all known threats to enzymes. Even though the body has many of the enzymes needed to digest our food, there are few that the body cannot produce and must be supplied by the foods themselves.

5. Using enzymatic therapy uses metabolic enzymes to stimulate the body's immune system. One of the ways this works is when the body digests its food. Enzymes help to break down the food so that the body will be able to assimilate it easily. If a person has digestive problems, her enzyme levels may be low. If this is the case, many of the nutrients the body receives through its foods may be lost. Without the proper nutrients the body weakens and may have difficulty fighting off germs or other microbes that will cause infection or other disease.

6. Using proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain and papain as anti-inflammatory agents will help sports injuries, respiratory problems and a host of other issues that can be accompanied by swelling or inflammation.

7. Neutralizing toxins and free radicals are another benefit attributed to enzymes and enzymatic therapy. There are numerous chemicals and toxins that we are exposed to each day through our environment. Enzymes help us to fight off some of the damage that can be caused from being exposed to these environmental hazards.

Tags: digestion process, break down, anti-inflammatory agents, body immune, body immune system