Thursday, August 4, 2011

What Are The Dangers Of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has many risks and dangers whether the person is abusing a prescription medication or street drugs. Not only is drug abuse hard on the body, but it can destroy families and even cause you to end up in prison.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse most often begins as a legitimate use of pain or injury medication. However, the person may begin taking more and more of the medication as her tolerance goes up. Eventually she is addicted and will do just about anything to get more. These people tend to see various doctors and get prescriptions from as many as they can, as well as eventually turning to street dealers or fraudulent prescriptions.

The heart and other bodily systems are affected by this constant flow of drugs, which can alter the normal workings of the body.

Cocaine Drug Abuse

Besides the legality issues that can cause an abuser to end up in prison, cocaine has an extremely harmful effect on the entire body. A cocaine abuser could end up burning a hole in his nasal passages, having constant bloody noses and sinus infections. The sniffing and runny nose causes constant swiping and sniffing which leaves a red and chapped area under the nose. Cocaine is a stimulant that speeds up your heart and can affect not only your circulatory system but even your vision and can cause death.

Marijuana Drug Abuse

There are many proponents for the legalization of marijuana and it has been proven as a medicinal treatment for glaucoma and other diseases. Being natural, many folks feel that there is no need for marijuana to be considered a drug, but it is. Marijuana has been shown to damage brain cells, cause respiratory problems and tends to be one of the most common street drugs out there, this means that what started as a natural plant which provided a little lift, has been mixed with other items, even embalming fluid to turn average social users into addicts and abusers.

OTC Medication Abuse

Over the counter products such as cough medicines, cold and sinus medicines containing ephedrine and even Dramamine are known to give a person quite a buzz if they take enough. The choice of school children is the normal everyday medicines that they can get easily. For example the medicine Coricidin Cold and Cough which children call Skittles because they are small red pills; is ingested in outrageous doses of 8 or 10 at a time by these children, the directions indicate no more than 2 in a 12 hour period. This drug causes PCP like hallucinations, pounding heart, and many symptoms similar to an anxiety attack, cold and cough medicine can kill your child, and is highly addictive.

Street Drug Abuse

Methamphetamines, crack cocaine, acid, mushrooms, all of these are available on the street to someone who is looking for them, and all of them are very dangerous. People cook up meth in their basements and closets, with no regulation. Crack Cocaine kills people every day by causing their hearts to simply give out. People who have used acid can have flashbacks for years.

Besides the threat of prison time, even the people who don't get arrested for abusing drugs still face the loss of their jobs, families, and even their lives.

Tags: Drug Abuse, Drug Abuse, families even, street drugs