Thursday, April 7, 2011

Flomax Side Effects

Flomax is a drug that is used to treat enlarged prostates, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or benign prostatic hypertrophy. Flomax functions to relax arteries and veins to enable the blood to flow more freely through them both. Flomax also works to relax and ease the muscles in the bladder neck and prostate. This makes it easier for urination to occur. As with any prescription medication, however, there are some side effects that could come up as a result of using Flomax.


Before people consider taking Flomax, they should know about the side effects of Flomax that can impair reactions, thought and mental processes. When using Flomax, it's important to be extremely cautious when performing any tasks or activities that require a high level of alertness, such as driving or operating heavy machinery.


Flomax also causes dizziness and lightheadedness in users. It's very common for Flomax users to experience dizziness after getting up from sitting down or lying down, especially if they do so in a fast manner. It's important to be slower with these movements in order to avoid falling down or collapsing due to dizziness. Drinking alcohol might also enhance your chances of experiencing dizziness with Flomax.


The most common and frequent side effects associated with Flomax usage include stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, unusual ejaculation (inability to ejaculate or smaller amounts of ejaculate), dizziness and lightheadness, drowsiness, as well as infections such as the flu or the common cold. Some people also report depression and weight gain as a result of Flomax use.


Before taking Flomax, it's crucial to talk to your doctor about any possible food allergies you might have, as well as allergies to dyes, preservatives and foods. It's especially important if you have sulfa allergies, as Flomax contains sulfa. Also, if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or nursing, you probably should avoid taking Flomax.


There are some other drugs out there that could potentially negatively interact with Flomax and bring upon bad side effects, if you take both of them simultaneously. Some of these drugs include cyclosporine, blood pressure or heart medications like Dilacor or Tiazac, warfarin, HIV or AIDS medication like Viracept or Crixivan, metronidazole and many others.

Tags: side effects, taking Flomax, with Flomax, benign prostatic, Flomax also, that could