Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Calm Down & Breathe When Angry

Anger can make you lose control of a situation.

Anger is a normal and healthy human emotion. The American Psychological Association refers to anger as a natural adaptive response to threats, (Reference 1). However, a person whose anger is out of control or expressed inappropriately can wreak havoc in his own life and the lives of others. There are steps a person can take to deal with angry feelings appropriately.


1. Review the occasions where your outbursts of anger have led to problems. Try to identify any common denominators or triggers. For some people there is a strong link between alcohol and inappropriate expression of anger. Look at alternative ways you could have responded in these situations, and aim to find other ways to react in the future.

2. Remember the adage about counting to 10. If you avoid reacting instantly to provocation, you may find that other possible reactions and strategies present themselves. Tell yourself, "I am too angry to deal with this, right now." Go for a brisk walk, a run or a visit to the gym to burn some energy and adrenaline.

3. Practice diaphragmatic breathing. Do this each day, so when you are in a stressful situation, you can do it automatically. Lie on your bed, or sit in a comfortable chair. Relax your shoulders and neck. Place a hand on your stomach. Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose, feeling your hand rise, as your diaphragm raises. Repeat this several times. When you are angry, make a conscious effort to breathe in this way. This acts to calm your physical body, which in turn, calms the mind.

4. Join a yoga or meditation class. This will help you have more control over your emotions and your reactions and should make you generally calmer.

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