Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Herbal Sleep Remedy

Sleeping soundly

Sleep is one of those necessary functions the human body must have in order to survive. For reasons we do not entirely understand, it is necessary for the body to shut down and rest, and for the brain to take a break from all the visual and sensory input it receives from day to day. When a person loses sleep, or cannot fall into sound, restful sleep, her health soon begins to suffer.


For centuries, people have used Valerian root to help them fall asleep. Although it comes in many forms, it is best to buy this herb in a pre-packaged form that is measured to a certain dosage. Valerian can make you sick if you take too much, so follow dosing directions carefully. In several studies, Valerian has been shown to reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, so it has shown clinical evidence of helping with insomnia in some cases. One thing to be aware of: Valerian smells horrible, so be prepared for that when you open the bottle.


Another time-proven herb is chamomile. The leaves of this mild-tasting herb are usually steeped as tea to produce a soothing sleep aid. Honey or sugar can be added to lightly sweeten the drink. You can also take a bath in water that has been treated with chamomile fragrance and oil essence. When mixed with hops, it produces a natural and mild sedation. Chamomile should be taken orally about 30 minutes before bedtime. It is also excellent for digestion.


Another very popular herb for sleep induction is the passionflower. Used by the Aztecs to help with insomnia and anxiety, this herb can be steeped into a tea that is taken approximately 45 minutes before bedtime. Passionflower can also be put into your bathwater for a soothing soak before you go to bed. It has been known to produce a mild euphoria as well as relaxation.

Tags: before bedtime, fall asleep, minutes before, minutes before bedtime, this herb, with insomnia