Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Grow A Maca Root Plant

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Grow a Maca Root Plant

The maca root plant is native to the Andes mountains of Peru and used as an herbal remedy for infertility, as well as a food source for the Peruvian people. Only the root of the plant is harvested and sold in powdered or whole-root form. Maca root is related to other root vegetables, such as a turnip, that will regrow each year after it is established. You can plant your own maca root plant with careful attention to soil preparation. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wait until early spring and fill a segmented seed tray 3/4 full of all-purpose potting soil.

2. Place one or two maca root seeds into each seed tray compartment and spread an additional 1/8 to 1/4 inch of potting soil on top of them, just until they are covered.

3. Water the soil until it is completely moist. Set the tray outside in a semi-sunny location. Continue watering the soil daily, or every other day until the seeds germinate, which should occur in one to two weeks. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

4. Wait until the maca plant seedlings are at least 3 inches high. Fill large plant pots with the same type of potting soil used in the seed tray and dig a hole in the center of each pot. Remove the seedlings from the seed tray and place one plant into each pot.

5. Continue watering the plants throughout the spring, summer, fall and their first winter. Protect the plants from cold temperatures by placing them in a greenhouse or moving them to an indoor location near a window.

6. Wait until the threat of frost is over in the spring and choose an outdoor planting location that has moist soil and either full or partial sunlight. Maca root plants thrive in any type of soil including sandy, clay and loamy soils.

7. Spread a 2-inch layer of manure over the planting area and work it into the top 3 to 4 inches of ground using a tiller.

8. Dig holes that are large enough to accommodate the roots of the plants and place one maca root plant into each hole. Fill in the holes with soil and pack it down firmly. Space each plant 14 to 20 inches apart.

Tags: seed tray, into each, maca root, potting soil, Wait until