Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chinese Natural Herbs To Cure Chalazions

A chalazion is a cyst around the eyelid area that occurs because the meibomian gland is blocked. If it is very large, it may lead to astigmatism. The good news is that there are treatments for this condition, which include Chinese natural herbs.


In traditional Chinese medicine, there are two kinds of treatment for chalazion, namely Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang and Yin Qiao San + Huang Lian Jie Du Tang.


The first one would be for eliminating pus or mass in the eyelid area as well as making it softer. The second one would be to get rid of the inflammation caused by chalazions.

Mode of Action

These Chinese natural herbs work by treating the root of the area, thereby reducing the size of the chalazion and getting rid of the swelling.


Both types of treatment are best applied with the use of warm compress, moistened with the natural herbs.


There are side effects in using unregulated Chinese medicine, so it is important to check first before using them.

Other Treatment

There are currently 42 homeopathic medicines which are available, with results visible in five to seven weeks.

Tags: natural herbs, Chinese medicine, Chinese natural, Chinese natural herbs, eyelid area