Friday, December 16, 2011

Illinois State Family Health Insurance

Health insurance can be obtained from private insurers or an employer. For some families, these insurance plans may not be affordable or cover the services needed. The state of Illinois provides subsidized family health insurance programs for residents. The two types of family health insurance provided by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) are All Kids and Family Care.


All Kids covers Illinois residents under 18 at any family income level. Family Care covers only parents or caregivers; eligibility depends on family income level.


All Kids and Family Care are designed for families who do not have insurance through their employer and/or are unable to pay the costs of private health insurance. All Kids can supplement pre-existing health care coverage.


Family income, services covered and doctors in the network should be considered. Both plans use the HFS program Illinois Health Connect to find physicians.


Both plans cover dental, prescriptions, doctor visits and hospital stays.


You will need the following to apply: a Social Security Number, proof of Illinois residency, citizenship information and current employment information. Applications can be done on the Family Care and All Kids websites or at a DHS office.

Tags: Family Care, health insurance, Both plans, family income, family income level, income level, Kids Family