Monday, December 26, 2011

Smoke Corn Silk

Corn silk is mostly found at the tip of the corncob.

Corn silk has long been appreciated as a nicotine-free herbal smoke, alone or as an admixture to natural smoking blends. Corn silk is easy to process, burns readily, and produces a smooth smoke that softens the harshness of other ingredients. Unlike tobacco, corn silk is neither psychoactive nor addictive; in other words, smoking it will not get you high.


1. Harvest mature corn before the corn silk turns brown or black.

2. Husk the corn, taking care not to lose any of the corn silk in the husks. Discard the husks.

3. Remove the corn silk from the surface of the corn, placing it in the bottom of the glass baking tray.

4. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit for ten minutes.

5. Place the baking tray on the highest oven rack, then close the oven.

6. Bake for twenty to thirty minutes, checking every five minutes to test the corn silk. The corn silk is dry and ready to smoke when it crumbles easily in between your fingers.

7. Grind and pack a pipe with the dried cornsilk. It can now be smoked like tobacco.

Tags: corn silk, baking tray, Corn silk