Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stop Sleep Sounds

If you've ever awoken in the middle of the night to the loud sleeping sounds of your husband, you are fully aware of how sleep sounds, also known as snoring, can affect your sleep cycle. According to Medline Plus, snoring is medically known as stertor and it can occur because of alcohol consumption, sleep apnea (condition where you temporarily stop breathing) and anatomical changes in your mouth and nose. If you suffer from snoring, there are specific ways to stop it.


1. Avoid alcohol at least four hours before sleeping. The Mayo Clinic states that alcohol depresses your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and results in relaxation of your throat muscles.

2. Lose weight through diet and exercise. Exercise at least 30 minutes daily and eat foods such as fruits and vegetables. Having more weight in your throat can constrict your airway and lead to snoring, says the Mayo Clinic.

3. Apply a nasal adhesive strip to your nose to help your breathing and decrease sleeping sounds. This can be purchased at your local pharmacy.

4. Sleep on your side to prevent your tongue from falling into your throat. Place a tennis ball in the back of your pants so you don't roll onto your back overnight.

5. Use an over-the-counter antihistamine or decongestant medication to relieve your nasal congestion. Once your nose is clear, your sleep sounds can stop.

6. Go to your dentist and obtain a dental mouth appliance to prevent your tongue from falling back into your throat when sleeping. The Mayo Clinic states you will have to make multiple visits to your dentist to make sure the appliance fits properly and you are snoring less.

7. Wear a continuous positive airway pressurized mask (CPAP) while you sleep. This can stop your sleep sounds and prevent sleep apnea.

8. Remove excess tissues in your airway with traditional or laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) surgery. The Mayo Clinic states this will enlarge your airways and reduce any vibration that leads to sleep sounds.

9. Get thermal ablation palatoplasty (TAP). According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, this procedure uses a laser or cautery (cutting) device to shrink the uvula (small tissue that hangs in the middle of your throat) and tighten your palate.

Tags: your throat, Mayo Clinic, sleep sounds, Clinic states, Mayo Clinic states