Friday, May 3, 2013

The Psychology Of Paint Colors

Wall color can affect our moods.

We are all affected by the colors on the walls around us, sometimes without even realizing it. It is important to consider the psychological effect of a color before painting a room.


Blue is a relaxing, clean color that both men and women like for a bedroom or bathroom, says Demesne, a website dedicated to homeowner topics.


Yellow, warm and sunny, creates a cheerful room, many people believe, while others dislike it.


Powerful and exciting, red can even stimulate the appetite. More-muted shades, like brick, create a cozy feeling, while pink tones are soft and feminine.


Green, as a color of nature, is seen as soothing and healing. Olive and sage green are more-neutral and thus easier to work into your decorating scheme.


Often used in restaurants for its positive effect on the appetite, orange is warm and friendly. In homes, it works well in kitchens and dining areas.


Black--which has a sharp, modern feel--and brown--a comforting, reassuring color--can make a room seem smaller, so they should be used carefully. Grey is stylish and versatile, and because it enhances creativity makes a good color for an office. White denotes cleanliness and sophistication, says My Space Designers, a website dedicated to interior design.

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