Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Make A Crystal Remedy For Ailments

Crystals can be used in many ways and for many purposes. They can heal you mentally, physically and spiritually. One of the most beneficial uses of crystals is as a type of tonic, to be drank by the person who needs healing. You can prepare such healing drinks by immersing appropriate crystals into purified water, charging it by the Sun or Moon, and then putting a few drops in a glass of water to be drank twice daily, or applying a few drops under your tongue. If you don’t like the idea of actually drinking a crystal tonic, you may add some to your bathwater or apply some to your pulse points. Follow these easy steps to make a crystal remedy for ailments.


Make a Crystal Remedy for Ailments

1. Choose an appropriate crystal for your purpose. Each type of crystal has different healing properties. For instance, amethyst promotes a healthy immune system, amber can boost your memory and quartz can improve your mood. There are a number of books and online sources that will tell you what healing properties each type of crystal contains.

2. Decide whether to charge your crystal remedy by sunlight or by the light of the moon.

3. Pour distilled water into a bowl.

4. Clean your crystal, then immerse it into the bowl of water.

5. If charging by moonlight, take your bowl and crystal outside at night, and leave it out there until sunrise. If charging by sunlight, leave your bowl and crystal outside in the sun for at least three hours.

6. Pour the water, along with the crystal, into a jar or bottle. Label it with the date charged, what crystal was used and what the purpose of the remedy is.

7. Store it away until needed. If stored in a cool, dark place, it’s potency will keep for three years.

Tags: bowl crystal, bowl crystal outside, crystal outside, Crystal Remedy, crystal remedy, Crystal Remedy Ailments