Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Identify Cerebral Palsy

Are you concerned that your child may be affected with Cerebral Palsy? Do you think that your child has suffered a brain trauma in the womb or before the age of 3? It may be difficult to determine if this in fact has happened, but there are certain steps that may help.


1. Watch your child for changes in mobility in his legs and arms. This may include stiffness, strange positions or odd movements that do not seem normal.

2. Pay attention to any excessive viomiting, gagging or abnormal eating habits.

3. Examine your child in her major developmental stages. These include the age they being to crawl, walk or talk. Notice if they are falling down a lot or particularly clumsy. It's normal for your child to experience mild coordination problems when learning a new skill such as walking, but if he seems to be having a harder time than typical, seek medical advice.

4. Watch for motor skill difficulty or senses problems. This may include issues with hearing or vision.

5. Seek the advice of your family doctor. A diagnosis from a doctor is always recommended. If Cerebral Palsy is present, she can administer treatment as needed.

Tags: your child, Cerebral Palsy, that your, that your child, This include