Friday, March 29, 2013

Eat Without Choking

Choking can be life threatening. Eating properly is very important, and eating slowly is imperative. There are many techniques you can use to slow down your eating and to make sure you chew each bit of food to avoid choking. Follow these tips on eat without choking.


1. Use the fork down method to prevent any choking. Every time you take a bite of food, put down your fork. It will slow you down and keep you from racing with your food. Take time to enjoy your meal.

2. Chew every bite slowly and completely. We sometimes tend to eat big chunks of food and too much at one time, so chew your food thoroughly and at least 3 to 5 times before swallowing.

3. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you lubricate your passage ways and always drink fluids when eating a meal. Water is the best choice and goes down in the best way.

4. Try not to talk while eating. Many people talk during meals and it can open the airways and the food can go down the wrong tube. Try to eat, chew, swallow, put the fork or spoon down, then talk.

5. Try to sit down when eating. With the hustle and bustle of every day routines, we tend to eat quickly and while standing up. Try to sit and relax when you are eating.

6. Eat quantities of food that are appropriate for your height, size and weight. If you overeat, it could lead to choking because your body does not know handle so much food.

Tags: when eating, down your, food down, slow down, your food