Thursday, May 12, 2011

Modify Diet To Reduce Arthritis Pain

Pain caused by arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, can be more crippling than the damage to the affected joint itself. However, some people do not like having to take massive doses of painkillers just to achieve relief.

There are diet modifications that may help relieve or alleviate pain. Additionally, the changes may serve to improve overall health.



1. Keep a food log for one week. Write down everything that is eaten during the course of a day, as well as how it was prepared (broiled, fried, boiled, steamed, eaten raw)

2. Keep a pain log for one week. Write down each episode of pain, with emphasis on pain felt before or after eating. Additionally, write down whether or not eating a certain food actually had an effect, and the type effect it had.

3. Using the pain log as a guideline, begin eliminating or decreasing those foods that cause or worsen pain. Begin increasing the amounts of foods that reduce or alleviate the pain.

4. Determine whether or not the method of preparation has/had an effect on the pain. Make changes or modifications as necessary.

5. Once you have determined that the diet is working, continue to follow it, making any additions or deletions as necessary.

Tags: alleviate pain, foods that, week Write, week Write down, Write down