Friday, January 28, 2011

Get Toned Arm Muscles

Get Toned Arm Muscles

Spring is just about here if it isn't already and summer is just around the corner. The temperature outside will be rising and your clothing layers will be less. Here are some tips to help you get toned arm muscles in time for the season.


1. You want toned arm muscles, but you can't just target one muscle group, you need to target all muscle groups. In order to get more toned arm muscles, you must first reduce fat all over your body. This starts with a healthy, well balanced diet consisting of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

2. Get into a consistent cardio program to help increase your stamina as well as metabolist. Consider interval training, where you do your regular exercise program such as running or walking for 30 minutes, but increase intensity for 3-5 minutes then go back to your regular pace for 3-5 minutes and vice versa. Continue to do this until you complete your 30 minutes. Interval training at least three times a week are key to helping you get toned arm muscles.

3. Add strength training to your workout routine at least twice a week. Work different muscle groups each time. Strength training helps to burn fat, increase your resting metabolic rate and contribute to an overall sculpted look. Having toned arm muscles can be produced by using dumbells about 5-12lbs and doing 12-15 of each exercies, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, shoulder and lateral raises. Doing this on a weekly basis consistently will help you get those toned arm muscles.

Tags: toned muscles, increase your, muscle groups, target muscle, toned muscles