Thursday, October 28, 2010

Practice Yoga Breathing Techniques

Practicing yoga breathing techniques reduces stress and allows you to concentrate on the process and effect breathing has on your entire body. Yoga breathing, also called Pranayama, involves several different techniques that focus entirely on the path your breath takes through your body. You can achieve ultimate relaxation and better health by learning these techniques and practicing them daily.


1. Find a quiet room in your home with soft or preferably natural lighting. Lay a yoga mat down in a comfortable spot on the floor.

2. Sit on the mat with both legs pulled in toward you, similar to a cross-legged position but with the legs side-by-side. Keep your back straight and hold your arms in a relaxed, comfortable position on your thighs. Allow your thumb and index finger to touch with your palms facing down.

3. Inhale and focus on the path of breath through your body. Exhale then repeat a few times. Clear your mind of unwanted and negative images or thoughts and just relax. Take the time you need to mentally prepare for yoga breathing.

4. Practice abdominal breathing by inhaling deeply and paying close attention to how your abdominal area expands and contracts. Keep your chest area still and focus only on expanding and contracting the abdominal area.

5. Practice chest breathing by inhaling and noticing your chest as it moves up and down. Concentrate so you can progress to very deep breaths while keeping your abdominal area still.

6. Move your index and middle finger of your right hand toward your thumb and outstretch your ring and pinky finger. Place your thumb and index finger gently on either side of your nose and press your right nostril with your thumb until it closes. Inhale through your left nostril and pause for a moment. Release the right nostril and press the left nostril with your index finger, allowing you to exhale through the right nostril. This is called alternate breathing or Anuloma Viloma.

Tags: your thumb, abdominal area, index finger, right nostril, through your