Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chiropractic Care For Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that affects many people worldwide. There are many treatments for this condition, but chiropractic care has been found to be successful in the management of scoliosis.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, that may cause the spine to form in an S shape or may take the form of the letter C. Scoliosis can be degenerative, often becoming worse in adulthood, or it can be a congenital malformation that is present at birth. The most common form of scoliosis is Idiopathic scoliosis, which develops in children around the age of 9, and continues during the adolescent growth spurt. It is much more common in girls than in boys. In fact, girls are eight times more likely to seek treatment for scoliosis.

Scoliosis Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms of scoliosis are:

One shoulder appears higher than the other.

One side of the rib cage appears higher than the other.

One leg appears shorter than the other.

Waist appears uneven.

One hip appears higher than the other.

The diagnosis of scoliosis is made through examinations and X-rays. Spinal curves that measure less than 10 degrees, are not referred for additional treatment. Curves than exceed 20 degrees are usually referred for treatment.

Chiropractic Care For Scoliosis

Chiropractic medicine treats spinal conditions. According to the National Scoliosis Foundation, chiropractic care has been instrumental in the treatment of scoliosis for several years. This treatment has consisted of spinal manipulation, postural counseling and heel lifts. Dr. Charles Lanz, D.C, Ph.D is the director of research at the Life Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, California. According to Dr. Lanz, more research studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic care in the treatment of scoliosis. "Virtually no formal research exists documenting chiropractic effectiveness in managing scoliosis, although anecdotal reports abound." Dr. Lanz goes on to point out that the questions that should be asked during these studies are: "Should adults with scoliosis be treated the same way as adolescents and juveniles with scoliosis? What are the indications for care, and what types of care are most suited to which types of scoliosis for which age groups?" Chiropractic care will continue to be recognized as a valid treatment for scoliosis. Most chiropractors use the Adam's Forward Bending Test, as well as patient history and initial examination to determine severity and treatment for this condition.

Tags: than other, treatment scoliosis, appears higher, appears higher than, chiropractic care, higher than