Thursday, May 24, 2012

Longterm Effects Of Acl Surgery

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery is the repair of cartilage in the joints of the knee. Today with new reconstruction technology, a patient can leave the hospital within half an hour of having the surgery. The effects of ACL surgery will depend on the time lapse between injury and doing surgery, plus the damage done to the cartilage.

Movement or Motion after ACL Surgery

Knee exercises are started immediately after surgery, so the patient can regain and improve strength, motion and flexibility. Movement is possible with the help of crutches.

Sports Activities in the Early Months

Once the swelling in the knee disappears and the patient is able to make partial movements, he can return to light sporting activity such as cycling and jogging.

Full-Fledged Sports

Depending on the donor graft used in the ACL surgery, the patient's progress and recovery, the patient can return to near normal sporting activities a year after surgery.

Post-Surgical Arthritis

ACL reconstructive surgery can result in post-surgical arthritis, depending on the wear and tear of the articular surface. This has become the only reason why sports people have to stop playing.

TenYears after ACL surgery

If the patient is able to make normal knee motion, then 10 years after surgery she would have her normal strength back. If the strength of the knee is less, it will result in lower functionality.

Tags: after surgery, surgery patient, able make, after surgery patient, patient able, patient able make