Tuesday, July 21, 2009

End Of Life Process


Death is a universal constant---it happens to everyone and everything sooner or later. And even though death is unique to each person, there are certain changes that people go through if they have the time to contemplate what's coming and to make arrangements for it. Whether the end of a person's life is coming from a long-term disease, or simply from growing old, there will be certain noticeable signs. Keep an eye out for these signs, and if you feel that you need it, seek help for dealing with the end of life process.

Physical Symptoms

When a person is growing close to death from a prolonged condition (this includes the aging process), there will be certain physical signs. A decreased appetite will manifest itself as the person's metabolism slows down. The person's sleep schedule will change, and he or she will likely sleep more and more often, but feel weak. Breathing patterns will change, becoming more rapid with periods of slowed and even stopped breathing. Body temperature will also change as the person nears the end of life, becoming much warmer or cooler than usual.

Other Symptoms

Those who are going through the end of life process tend to display many emotional changes as well. These people often grow less interested in social interaction, for instance. They may also experience hallucinations and dementia. Those who are going through this process may also develop a fixation on death and the spiritual aspects of it. Additionally, people who are nearing the end of life may become very worried about the pain associated with dying. These symptoms will be in addition to any others that are displayed because of a person's illness or physical condition as their body reaches the end.

Tags: going through, life process, there will, there will certain, Those going, Those going through