There are many hidden pressure points on the leg that are said to treat ailments all over the body. Take the time to find these pressure points on the leg and you will be rewarded with knowledge that can relieve pain and produce pleasure.
1. Start on the inside of your leg just above your ankle. Place four fingers above the bone that sticks out in your ankle. Press the point just above that on the back of the bone. This pressure point is believed to relax and make you less irritable.
2. Bend your knee in front of you. Place four fingers at the bottom of your knee cap. Press the point directly beneath your fingers on the outside of the shin bone. This pressure point is believed to fill you with energy.
3. Go around to the back of the knee. Press the point directly in the middle of the crease that forms when you bend your knee. Press gently and carefully. This pressure point is believed to increase circulation in the lower legs and help with knee problems. However, it is very sensitive and can cause pain and circulation problems if pressed too hard.
4. Move to a point on the side of the thigh. Press the point on the outside of the meaty thigh muscle halfway between the hip and the knee. This pressure point will relax the thigh muscles and works well if you have a leg cramp.
5. Work your way up to the hip flexor. This is the muscle that runs along the outside of the hip. Press the point directly under the wing of the hip bone. This pressure point will relax the hips and increase flexibility.
Tags: Press point, pressure point, This pressure, This pressure point, bone This, bone This pressure