Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Manifestin Kundalini Rising Techniques

Kundalini rising (also known as kundalini awakening) is an experience in which the energy coiled at the base of the spine is suddenly released into the rest of the body. The experience has been described as violent, divine, psychotic and blissful. For this reason, it is extremely important that, before beginning any technique to awaken the kundalini, you do so with the guidance of a yogi or yogini.

Physical Techniques

The practice of hatha yoga is primarily attributed with the development of kundalini rising. According to the article "Kundalini Awakening" on Swamij.com, the mudras (gestures) and bandhas (locked body positions) of hatha yoga can help one facilitate the energy of kundalini in the body. Begin your practice of hatha yoga without the intent of awakening kundalini. Instead, concentrate on fluidly moving from one mudra and bandha to the next, on cultivating your breath to resonate through your entire body, and on keeping your higher mind centered on your own sense of divinity and peace. Actively seeking kundalini is not a "bad" practice per se, but too much intention can cloud your focus, pushing you even further from your goals.

Meditative Techniques

The article "12 Things You Can Do to Awaken Kundalini" from Ananda.org describes a dozen steps you can take to develop the kundalini energy safely and gently. When meditating, you can either focus on drawing the energy from the base of the spine up through your spine and into your body, or you can follow the meditative techniques established in kriya yoga. According to Kriya-Yoga.org, kriya is a practice of yoga in which the positions and breathing are concentrated and condensed, allowing the practitioner to reach great spiritual heights relatively quickly.

Breathing Techniques

Finally, breathing techniques can encourage the awakening of kundalini energy as well. According to Swamij.com, the first stage of awakening kundalini energy is through the first breath, or prana. Controlling your breathing by shifting dominance of your breath through one nostril and then the other, helps pull the subtle energy of kundalini gradually up from its dormancy at the base of the spine. Ananda.org suggests gentle breathing exercises. To breathe gently, inhale through your nose with your nostrils relaxed. Allow the breath to lift up your collarbone, shoulders and neck while your ribs gently expand outward. Hold the breath for a moment then exhale, allowing your shoulders, neck and collarbone to lower slightly, while you pull your stomach in to push the air completely from your lungs. You can cycle through gentle breathing exercises for as long as the practice seems comfortable. You don't want to force anything, so if you feel like taking a deeper or more shallow breath, go ahead and do so. This breathing technique can gently awaken the kundalini energy and foster it to move throughout the body .

Tags: kundalini energy, awakening kundalini, base spine, hatha yoga, through your, awaken kundalini, awakening kundalini energy