Thursday, December 6, 2012

Herpes Zoster Treatment & Alternative Medicine

Herpes zoster, also called shingles, occurs primarily in adults. The herpes zoster virus which causes shingles also causes chicken pox in children, and once the chicken pox heels, the virus remains dormant in the body. When the dormant virus becomes active, an itchy, uncomfortable rash--shingles--can appear. Shingles can be treated by alternative medicine including herbs, diet changes and pain management therapies.


Shingles occurs when the immune system becomes depleted, allowing the herpes zoster virus to become active. One of the best methods of treatment, both to prevent recurrences of shingles and to help the body fight off the shingles virus, is to build up the immune system by eating a healthy diet. Your diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables, and sugar should be eliminated. Vitamins E, B12 and C are recommended, and a dose of 1,000 milligrams or more of vitamin C taken daily can help the shingles virus to run its course quicker, relieving symptoms in fewer days.

Pain Management

Shingles forms an itchy rash which sometimes causes lesions to appear on the skin. Opening vitamin E capsules and squeezing them onto the rash can help relieve the pain and help the rash to stop itching. A cold wet washcloth, or a wet towel that has been briefly frozen, can also help to relieve shingles pain. You should wear loose fitting clothes and avoid access to heat and light when you have a shingles outbreak. Finally, calamine lotion can be applied and in some cases will help dry up the lesions so they disappear faster.


Certain herbal treatments may be effective at relieving the pain from shingles and helping the body to fight off the virus faster. Cayenne pepper creams applied to the shingles rash can help relieve pain. German chamomile is also useful at alleviating the symptoms of shingles and chicken pox, although the claims regarding its effectiveness are not proven.Peppermint oil to relieve both a shingles outbreak, and postherpectic neuralgia, a condition that is a potential side effect of a shingles outbreak.

Tags: help relieve, shingles outbreak, body fight, help relieve pain, herpes zoster virus, immune system