Monday, January 30, 2012

Know When To See A Doctor For Weight Gain

Know When to See a Doctor for Weight Gain

Every person gains weight in her life, whether it's because she's growing, pregnant or making poor choices. When a woman crosses the line past healthy weight gain, however, it may be time to see a doctor. Medical professionals can help you determine what is causing the weight gain and stop it.


1. Seek a doctor's help if you notice sudden weight gain that occurs when you have not changed your normal eating or exercise routine. Sometimes what appears to be sudden weight gain can be a more serious problem, such as edema.

2. Go see your doctor if your attempts at weight loss have failed. You may have issues with your thyroid or have another illness that is preventing you from keeping your weight down. Try to document your efforts for when you visit your doctor's office.

3. Consider seeing a doctor if you are suffering from untreated depression and have gained weight. While some depression medications can cause even more weight gain, they are not necessary for everyone. Treating your mental illness can go a long way in improving your lifestyle and eventually help you return your weight to normal.

4. Visit your doctor if you know you're gaining weight in your face and torso. A "moon face" and "buffalo hump" may indicate you have Cushing's Syndrome, a disease caused by too much cortisol in the body.

5. See your doctor if you've gained significant weight after starting a new prescription regime. Some medications, such as birth control and hormone replacement therapy drugs, can cause you to gain weight. Your doctor may know of another medication you can take with fewer side effects.

Tags: weight gain, your doctor, doctor know, Doctor Weight, Doctor Weight Gain, Know When