Friday, March 4, 2011

What Is An Unwanted Versus An Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies have significant consequences for the women and men who have them, the children produced and affected by such pregnancies, and for society as a whole. In order to better understand information about unwanted and unplanned pregnancies, it's important to understand the difference between them.


Unplanned pregnancies are those that occur when a couple has not made a decision to conceive, or when pregnancy occurs in spite of using contraceptive measures. Unwanted pregnancies happen when the pregnant woman, or the baby's father, do not want to have a child, and may not want to deal with the physical, emotional, social and health consequences of the pregnancy. While unwanted pregnancies are generally unplanned, not all unplanned pregnancies are unwanted.


Many people who have an unplanned pregnancy consider it a pleasant surprise. Even when couples are not planning on having a child, or having an additional child, they may come to welcome the pregnancy. In some cases, couples who thought they were infertile but very much wanted a child may be delighted when an unplanned pregnancy occurs. In other cases, couples may feel devastated by an unplanned pregnancy, and all the life changes it entails. In these cases, the pregnancy is not only unplanned, but unwanted. Sometimes, one of the biological parents may welcome an unplanned pregnancy, while the other considers it unwanted.

Time Frame

'Expectant parents' feelings toward an unplanned pregnancy may vary significantly over time. Many parents, even those who eventually welcome another child, feel scared, uncertain or worried when they first find out about an unplanned pregnancy. In time, however, they may get used to the idea, especially if they receive encouragement and support from family and friends or helpful counseling. Other couples may be excited at first, then feel differently about wanting the pregnancy once the reality sinks in. One or both parents may change their minds numerous times about whether the unplanned pregnancy is unwanted.


An unplanned pregnancy always has life-altering consequences, no matter what the outcome. Couples with an unplanned pregnancy may question their ability to deal with the pregnancy, become parents and to financially and emotionally support a child. They may also wonder what to do about the pregnancy if they decide it is unwanted. Unplanned pregnancies can also cause significant changes in the relationship between the biological parents. For example, if one of the baby's parents expected the pregnancy and the other did not, there may be tension and resentment between them. Some couples find that working through an unplanned pregnancy together strengthens their relationship, and couples who were unmarried when the unplanned pregnancy occurred may consider marriage as a result. For others, stress or disagreements over the pregnancy can lead them to end the relationship.


Couples who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy may have to make many difficult decisions. Fortunately, they do not have to make these decisions alone. Family, friends and other parents can all provide advice and support, as can professional counseling services. Counseling services can help a pregnant woman or couple decide to adjust to the pregnancy, and provide them with resources to help them overcome obstacles or concerns they might have about parenting. Counseling services can also provide information about options for those with an unwanted pregnancy, such as finding an adoptive family for the baby.

Tags: unplanned pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, between them, biological parents, cases couples, Counseling services