Friday, November 19, 2010

Get Pregnant With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Get pregnant with PCOS.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, causes a woman not to ovulate regularly, which is a cause of infertility. Eight to 10 percent of women suffer from this condition. A woman with PCOS can have cysts on her ovaries, and she also may have hormonal fluctuations that are not conducive to becoming pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy. With treatment, however, many women with PCOS are able to have a baby.


1. See your ob-gyn or a reproductive endocrinologist. The doctor can run tests to find out if you are ovulating, how often you are ovulating, and whether you have enough progesterone and other hormones to sustain a pregnancy.

2. Take low-dose fertility drugs to cause ovulation. Many women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly or at all. Medications such as Clomid and Femara prompt your body to ovulate. These ovulation-inducers can be taken with or without other drugs to help you ovulate.

3. Time intercourse to take advantage of your most fertile days while on the Clomid or Femara. In some cases, your doctor may recommend intrauterine insemination during your most fertile times. If your doctor recommends this, follow his directions carefully.

4. Consider using injectable hormones to cause you to ovulate if the Clomid or Femara do not work. There are some concerns about injectable hormones causing multiple births, so discuss this with your doctor.

5. Consider in-vitro fertilization (IVF). You will give yourself injectable hormones to help several eggs mature. Your doctor will remove these eggs and combine them with your partner's sperm. Once embryos form, one or more will be implanted in your uterus. It is very important to follow your doctor's directions carefully when going through an IVF cycle.

Tags: with PCOS, Clomid Femara, injectable hormones, your doctor, directions carefully, most fertile