Monday, September 20, 2010

Do Elastic Band Lunges

Elastic exercise bands are great for exercising on the go. They can be tucked into a purse or rolled up in a suitcase for easy carrying, and you can whip them out for a quick workout whenever you have ten or fifteen minutes to spare. Lunges are a great exercise to strengthen your lower body, and doing them with an elastic band just expands the benefits. In this article, we will discuss do elastic band lunges.


1. Place your left foot on top of the elastic band. Your arms should be at your sides, and each hand should lightly grasp a handle.

2. Pull the band over your shoulders. This will cause your arms to bend upward in a curled position, and this will create resistance for each lunge.

3. Step backward with your right foot. This is your starting position. Your left foot will be flat on the floor, and your right foot will be curved up so that your weight is on the front of the foot.

4. Bend both of your knees. Your left knee should go over your toe, which will cause your right knee to bend as well. Do not let your knees touch the ground.

5. Return to a standing position. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you like. Most people prefer to do three sets of 10 to 20 repetitions each.

Tags: your right, cause your, elastic band, foot will, left foot, over your, right foot