Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Care For A Nostril Piercing

Nostril piercings will look stunning for years with proper care and healing.

A nostril piercing --- a ring or stud pierced through the crease of your nostril --- takes six months to fully heal. Taking proper care of your nostril piercing during this time is vital for proper healing. Make sure you follow care guidelines closely as inadequate cleaning, as well as over-cleaning, can irritate the piercing and lead to infection.


1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before cleaning or handling your nostril piercing. Refrain from touching your piercing during the healing time unless your are cleaning it. Do not pick at any dried discharge, even when you are cleaning your piercing.

2. Clean your piercing in the shower, letting the water run over your piercing and using a cotton swab to remove any dried discharge, if necessary. Apply a small amount of mild, fragrance- and color-free antibacterial liquid soap to your hands. Lather and apply to the piercing, moving the jewelry through the piercing to make sure the soap gets into it. Let the soap sit for a few minutes, then rinse the piercing in the running water. Move the jewelry through the piercing to make sure the soap washes out and dry the pierced area with a tissue.

3. Repeat the cleaning process once in the morning and once at night for the first three days. After the first three days, clean your piercing only once a day for the next three to four weeks.

4. Reduce cleaning to once every two or three days for the next three to four months.

5. Keep make-up, lotions, sunscreen and any other skin-care products away from the pierced area during the six months of healing. Keep dirty hair as well as any hair-care products away from the pierced area. Clean your piercing with saline or EarCare solution after applying make-up, skin-care products or hair products, if any of these products come into contact with the piercing.

6. Stop or cut down on smoking during the healing time. Smoking leaves smoke residue in your piercing and the chemicals can lengthen healing time.

Tags: your piercing, healing time, nostril piercing, pierced area, three days