Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Stains Can Peroxide Remove From Clothes

All-natural peroxide is a clothing stain-buster.

Hydrogen peroxide is a handy little bottle to store alongside your detergent and fabric softener in the laundry room. It's an eco-friendly way to get some stains out of clothing and a natural, cheaper alternative to costlier stain removers. Take care when using peroxide, however, as it is a form of bleach. Always perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area before saturating any stain with peroxide.


The key to removing blood from clothing or any fabric is to catch it while it's fresh, although an older stain responds to the treatment if the clothing has not been put into a dryer. Apply a small amount of peroxide directly from the bottle, and let its fizzing properties go to work. Blot at the residue with a clean cloth until it the stain is gone. Repeat as necessary. Launder the item per the clothing manufacturer's recommendations.


Few stains are more unappealing than yellow perspiration stains on white clothing. To brighten whites and prevent the stains from turning dark, create a 50/50 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide, and soak the stain for half an hour. Since the clothing is white, there is little risk of removing color. Wash the garment in cool water, and hang it to air dry. Repeat if the stain persists, adding more hydrogen peroxide to the water. Soak for another 30 minutes, wash and air dry again.


It's an ugly idea. No one wants to think of their clothes as getting moldy. You wouldn't want to wear them after discovering mold. But you can remove mold that may have taken residence on your clothing with hydrogen peroxide in a solution of 1 to 3 percent. Spray peroxide directly onto the mold to saturate the affected area, and wash with detergent according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Reduce the risk of breathing in dry mold by treating the clothing with a light spray prior to handling.

Tags: hydrogen peroxide, clothing with, manufacturer recommendations, peroxide directly