Thursday, July 28, 2011

Give Yourself A Face Lift Massage

Relax in the tub with a face lifting massage

A face lift massage can help release tension in the facial muscles which often contribute to wrinkles, sagging skin and other problems. This tension blocks the natural blood flow to the facial tissue. However, by performing a natural face lifting massage, you can increase blood flow and improve the elasticity of the skin. This natural face lift method works gently and is suitable for anyone. Using repetitive motions of the fingers, the lines are slowly smoothed away and the skin made to look younger. Perform the exercises in your own home with no special equipment required.


1. Look straight up to stretch your neck. Use the back of your hands to move in a sweeping motion up and down your neck on all sides. Move the hands in an upward motion, beginning at the bottom and moving to the top, and be sure to go all the way around the neck. Continue for approximately 30 seconds per session. This face lift massage move tones the neck and promotes blood flow to the face.

2. Place the back of your middle and index fingers on the jawbone. Try to line them up with the sides of the face, with your fingertips near the mouth and the tops of the fingers near the top of the ears. Sweep upward along the jaw line towards the top of the ear, and hold the skin at the joint for 10 seconds. Repeat five times per session. This face lift massage technique prevents a sagging jaw line.

3. Hold the index and middle finger of the right hand together tightly. Place the fingertips on the right side of the face just beside the nose bridge. Move the fingers outward across the cheek and then up towards the top of the ear. Hold the skin for 10 seconds. This facial massage exercise helps lift the cheeks. Repeat the move on the left side of the face.

4. Make a V-shape or peace-sign with your index and middle fingers. Turn it sideways with your fingertips turned toward your face. Close your eyes and place your index finger just below the eyebrow and your middle finger just below the actual eye. Use your fingertips to gently move across the eye sideways toward the ear. Continue until you reach the hairline and then hold 10 seconds. This face lifting massage technique helps reduce eye bags. Repeat on the other side of the face, massaging both sides in each session.

5. Use three of four fingers, depending on the length of your forehead. Use more fingers for a larger forehead, and less for a smaller one. Sweep the fingers across beginning at the hairline on one side and moving to the hairline on the other side. This facelift massage treatment reduces lines on the forehead. Repeat several times per session.

Tags: face lift, blood flow, face lifting, face lifting massage, lift massage