Thursday, November 26, 2009

Comfrey Salve Recipe

Use lavender in your comfrey salve recipe

Comfrey is a perennial herb that has been used to help wounds heal quickly. It has been used to treat bone, skin and muscle injuries, as well as burns and inflammation. Comfrey salve makes a great gift. Simply pour the cooled, finished product into a jar or tin and label.

Prepare Your Ingredients

If you are using fresh ingredients, shake out the excess dirt from your herbs and flowers and allow them to dry out until they are wilted. In the meantime, line the strainer with cheesecloth. Using fresh ingredients will yield the best results.


You will need 2 cups of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of fresh comfrey leaves, lavender flowers and calendula flowers. If you cannot get fresh ingredients, you can use 1/2 ounce of dried herbs and flowers for each of these. You will also need 1/2 cup of beeswax, which is used to harden the oil. If you wish, you can add essential oils such as eucalyptus and tee tree oil to the mix just before adding to the beeswax.


Warm the olive oil, comfrey leaves, lavender and calendula flowers in a double-boiler for 30 minutes, stirring frequently. Do not allow it to boil, only bubble around the edges. Strain into the cheesecloth-lined strainer. Remove the cheesecloth and carefully squeeze out all remaining oil and dispose of the flowers and cheesecloth. Melt the beeswax in the double-broiler, and stir constantly until melted. Add the strained oil and stir until it is blended. Pour in prepared jars or tins.


Apply as needed for burns, blisters, or other skin irritations or wounds. This salve is for external use only, as it is known to cause liver damage if ingested. Avoid using on cuts that are deeper than ¼ inch or bleeding heavily or appear infected. It can last up to a year if kept refrigerated.

Tags: fresh ingredients, been used, calendula flowers, comfrey leaves, comfrey leaves lavender, herbs flowers