Friday, January 16, 2009

Stop Snoring And Breathe Through Your Nose

Many adults claim to get only 4 to 6 hours of sleep each night. This may be due to the simple fact that their partner snores. Many factors may cause a person to snore. The tongue may be obstructing the air passage, or snoring may be from allergies or sinus problems. Whatever the reason, snoring can be stopped, and breathing effectively through your nose at night is possible.


1. Sleep on your right side or on your stomach. The number one reason a person without sleep apnea snores is because he sleeps on his back. Try sleeping on the right side, which will help drain the sinuses and keep the air passages open. Another option is to sleep on the stomach, which again helps to relieve nasal congestion and promote proper breathing through the nose.

2. Place a humidifier in the bedroom. If you sleep in a bedroom where the air is dry, it may cause your throat and sinuses to dry out, resulting in snoring. A humidifier will help to keep the nasal passages moist, which may also help you to keep your mouth closed.

3. Clean your sinuses before going to bed. Hold your head to the side and pour warm water or a saline solution into the nasal passage and let the solution drain out. This will remove any mucus and debris and moisten the sinuses, which will promote better breathing at night. Cleansing your sinuses on a regular basis will also help keep you free from allergies.

4. At night, elevate your head or upper body. Purchase a foam pillow that is specifically designed to elevate the upper body or head. Elevating your head will help you to keep your mouth closed and breathe better, which may stop the snoring. When the body is placed at an angle, nasal congestion and blockage may be reduced.

5. Try wearing nasal strips or a nose clip. Several devices are on the market that may help you to breathe properly through the nose. Nasal strips are designed to be worn on the outside of the nose; they lift and spread the nostrils open to increase air flow. Another option is the "Breathe 123" nose clip. These clips are worn on the tip of the inside of the nose. The clips gently squeeze the nasal septum, opening the passages so that you can breathe more easily through the nose.

Tags: help keep, through nose, will help, your head, also help