Thursday, September 26, 2013

Types Of Artificial Insemination In Humans

Although many couples get pregnant the old-fashioned way, others spend months or even years having intercourse without getting pregnant. This can be related to a plethora of medical conditions such as inconsistent ovulation, poor sperm count or other factors. Those who suffer from infertility for such reasons or who are healthy but have not conceived within a reasonable period of time may opt for one of several types of artificial insemination. There are four major types of insemination, including intracervical, intrauterine, intravaginal, and intratubal.


Intracervical insemination (ICI) is a form of artificial insemination in which sperm is injected into or very near the cervix. ICI is best for those who know that they do not have problems with cervical mucus, inconsistent ovulation or sperm quality (in other words, when everything appears normal physically).


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the most common type of artificial insemination. It involves inserting sperm, either from a partner or donor, into the uterus with a catheter. The procedure is generally painless and takes only a few minutes.


Intravaginal insemination (IVI) is the least common artificial insemination form. This type of insemination is the least invasive of the four types and can be performed by the individual themselves. Partner or donor sperm is simply taken up by a syringe from a container and then inserted into the vagina. It is a good option for couples who may have problems with ejaculation during intercourse.


Intratubal insemination (ITI) involves inserting sperm into the fallopian tubes. It is a good option for those who have problems with cervical mucus or inconsistent ovulation. It can be done intercervically; however, it can be more invasive than other options, as it may also be done through laparoscopic surgery. The surgery involves making an incision into the abdomen. A camera is placed into the incision to find the precise location of the fallopian tubes; once the tubes are located, sperm is placed inside the tubes with a catheter.

Success and Cost

The success rates of artificial insemination vary depending on the type of insemination used, but typically the success rates are between 5 to 30 percent. The success rate can be affected by factors such as stress and quality of the egg and sperm. On average, ICI is the cheapest, ranging from $200 to $350 per cycle. Many people choose ICI for this reason---the cheaper the cost of the cycle, the more cycles can be done and the higher the odds are of conceiving. ITI tends to be the most expensive insemination type, running $1,000 or more per cycle. The cost of each type of insemination also may vary depending on whether the person undergoing the procedure opts for fertility drugs and/or donor sperm.

Tags: artificial insemination, have problems, have problems with, inconsistent ovulation, problems with, type insemination, cervical mucus