Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Color Theory In Decorating

Color schemes for interior decorating are created by using color theory. Color theory is used to comprehend the relationship between different colors. The color wheel is a crucial instrument utilized in color theory.

Color Wheel

The primary colors (blue, yellow and red) are the starting points of the color wheel. Colors between the primary colors are secondary colors, which are made through mixing combinations of blue, yellow and red.

Color Types

Colors next to each other on the color wheel are harmonizing. Together, harmonizing colors are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Colors across from each other on the color wheel are known as complementary colors.


When choosing a color scheme for interior decorating, keep in mind the type of light that enters into the room you are decorating. The incoming light will affect the appearance of your selected color scheme.

Interior Decorating

Different colors have different effects on your interior-decorating job. For example, complementary colors help to give a room a sense of action and movement.


Tone is another element of color theory. Tone is how light or dark the color is. In interior decorating, try to find a good balance of contrasting tones.

Tags: blue yellow, color scheme, color theory, color theory Color, color wheel, color wheel, complementary colors