Monday, October 24, 2011

Non Pharmacological Pain Relief Methods During Labor Pain

Labor pain can scare women out of natural birth. However, a variety of non-pharmacological pain relief methods exist that will keep your body drug-free during labor.


By hyper-focusing your attention, hypnosis can alter your mood and sensations. Hypnosis helps you eradicate labor fears, allowing you to block out labor pain.

Water Birth

In a water birth you give birth while in a tub of water. Soaking in a warm bath relieves muscles and stress---the same idea is applied to giving birth, as the bath relieves anxiety and simultaneously lowers your blood pressure, ebbing labor pains.


Don't try to keep quiet. Listen to your body and let it all out vocally. Low moans, as opposed to shrill shrieks are preferable, as they help relax your pelvic muscles.

Counter Pressure

Counter pressure is the technique by which pressure is applied to a particular area of your body experiencing pain during labor. Pressure is often applied to your lower back.


Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese art, calms your body and reduces pain. While no one is actually sure how it works, the relaxation it induces is difficult to refute.


By focusing on your breathing patterns you can ease the pain of labor. Different techniques such as sleep and rhythmic breathing exist. Research and practice your preferred techniques before labor occurs.

Tags: your body, bath relieves, during labor