Monday, May 24, 2010

Avoid Nausea

Anyone who occasionally suffers from a queasy stomach can attest to the discomfort such a condition causes. Nausea is a common symptom of illness, and it can be caused by other factors as well, such as motion. An upset stomach can be treated with medication and home remedies, but learning to avoid nausea when at all possible is a better alternative.


1. Take an over-the-counter medication designed to alleviate motion sickness before a long drive, boat ride or flight if these activities cause you to be nauseous. By taking it ahead of time, you can often avoid nausea altogether. If you wait until you actually experience symptoms, you may find it more difficult to get it under control.

2. Snack on ginger snaps, gingerbread and peppermint candy. Ginger and peppermint are great natural remedies and preventatives for nausea. You can also sip on peppermint or ginger tea, and some people find chamomile tea is also effective in preventing stomach upset.

3. Eat easily digested foods such as rice, chicken soup and bananas to help avoid nausea. Unbuttered toast and crackers are also excellent choices for absorbing stomach acids that can cause queasiness. Things you may want to avoid are thick sauces, gravies and spicy dishes.

4. Check the list of side effects of the medications you are prescribed. If you are experiencing nausea on a frequent basis, your medicine may be the culprit. Once identified, your physician can probably prescribe an alternative that will not upset your stomach.

5. Lower your stress level with meditation, yoga or visual imagery techniques. Persons who experience much stress often have frequent bouts of nausea, so reducing overall stress can help avoid this unpleasant effect. Simplify your life as much as possible to reduce stress and its accompanying stomach trouble.

6. Learn what triggers nausea for you. Some folks feel queasy after eating certain foods, such as eggs or processed meats; smelling certain smells like paint or glues; or sitting are standing up too quickly. Even some sights, such as witnessing a bloody accident or watching a roller coaster make loops and descend steep hills, can turn the stomach.

Tags: avoid nausea, foods such, help avoid