Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lower Blood Pressure With Yoga

High blood pressure is a condition where the rate of blood flow is consistently greater than normal. A blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 is considered high blood pressure. When combined with standard medical intervention, yoga is a gentle and effective way to help lower blood pressure. The following sequence of forward bends and supine poses is designed to induce a calm state and can be practiced in the evening before bed. As with any exercise, consult your doctor before incorporating yoga into your blood pressure management routine.


Standing Deep Breathing

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and arms relaxed at your sides.

2. Inhale deeply through the nose, expanding the diaphragm and rib cage.

3. Hold the breath for one beat, then release through the mouth, pursing the lips to make a hissing noise. Repeat the entire breathing sequence two more times.

Standing Forward Bend

4. Inhale while raising your hands above your head as if reaching for the sky. Keep your shoulders level and do not raise them to your ears.

5. Exhale and slowly bend forward, placing your hands on the ground and your head on your knees.

6. Inhale, raise your head and torso slightly, looking at a point across from you. Your body should form a triangle between your legs, back and arms.

7. Exhale and bend forward, placing your hands back on the ground.

Downward-Facing Dog

8. Inhale and step your feet back so that your body forms a triangle between your legs, upper body and floor.

9. Stay in this pose for three full breaths.

10. Inhale and walk your feet forward into the Standing Forward Bend.

Child's Pose

11. Exhale and bend your knees until squatting.

12. Inhale, drop your knees and forehead to the floor and interlace your fingers behind you.

13. Hold this pose for three breaths.

14. Inhale and come up to a kneeling position.

15. Exhale and lay on your back.

Laying Spinal Twist

16. Inhale, raise your knees to your chest and stretch your arms out to the side in a "T" formation.

17.Exhale and lower your knees to one side while turning your head in the opposite direction.

18. Hold the pose for three full breaths.

19. Inhale and bring the knees and head back to center.

20. Exhale and lower your knees to the other side while turning your head in the opposite direction. Hold the pose and then inhale back to center.

Corpse Pose

21. Exhale and lower your legs to the floor and let your arms lie naturally at your side.

22. Close your eyes and relax into the pose for 10 to 15 full breaths.

23. Try not to fall asleep by focusing on your breath.


24. Roll over onto your side and slowly come up to a seated position.

25. Bring your hands up to your chest in prayer position and repeat the deep breathing sequence from the beginning.


Slowly bend forward about halfway, pause, then return upright. Saying "Namaste" is optional.

Tags: your knees, your head, your hands, bend forward, blood pressure, breaths Inhale, Exhale lower