Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Are The Causes Of Low Thyroid In Women

Hypothyroidism, common among women of childbearing age, is a disorder that causes lower than normal thyroid hormone levels. These hormones help to regulate the metabolism of the human body. Hypothyroidism results in a slower metabolism.


Inflammation of the thyroid gland can damage or kill cells, causing a reduction in the amount of hormone produced. Thyroid surgery or radioactive therapy, which may be used to remove or kill part of the gland in order to treat certain conditions can also result in an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone being produced.


Some people suffer from an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which attacks the thyroid. This may result in lower thyroid hormone levels as well.


Hypothyroidism during pregnancy can cause developmental problems in the unborn child. A woman planning to become pregnant should have her thyroid levels checked, particularly if she has experienced thyroid problems in the past.


Some women also experience temporary postpartum hypothyroidism due to inflammation in the thyroid gland.


Hypothyroidism may cause symptoms including weakness, fatigue, dry hair and skin, hair loss, decreased sex drive, constipation, weight gain, muscle pain or stiffness, feeling excessively cold, depression, memory loss or abnormal menstrual periods.

Tags: thyroid hormone, hormone levels, thyroid gland, thyroid hormone levels