Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Information On Uses For Gemstones & Crystals

Many people just love gemstones.

A lot of people believe that gemstones and crystals work because they are part of the earth and, therefore, connect them to the world. These people wear or carry a crystal or gemstone close to them in order to promote the well-being and health of their mental, spiritual and physical bodies. Gemstones and crystals -- such as amethysts, aquamarines, crystal clusters, jade, moonstone quartzes and sapphires -- are actually used for many reasons.

Meditation and Energy

A lot of people use gemstones and crystals during meditation as a vessel for different kinds of energy. These people use gemstones and crystals to assist in obtaining a deep meditative state to relax their bodies and relieve tension in order to slow their heart rate and lower their blood pressure. Another use for gemstones and crystals is to relieve stress and to quiet minds, which help people become calm and peaceful. By using gemstones and crystals, people also let negative emotions go and replace them with feelings of peace and love.


For thousands of years, a lot of people have used gemstones and crystals as a symbol of protection. They use gemstones and crystals to emit vibrations that help them become more attuned to whatever will help them create a secure environment. People who tend to feel weak and vulnerable to attacks especially use gemstones and crystals for protection. These people buy these precious items to protect them from negative energy, such as bad spirits, ghosts and even illness. A lot of communities place crystals or gemstones in doorways and windows to stop evil spirits from entering. Members of other communities carry these precious stones everywhere. For example, they may carry these stones during their travels to ensure a safe trip.


According to the Peasful Mind website, there is a variety of healing gemstones and crystals. These are known as one of the most beautiful, profound and mystical "energy medicine" tools. People from all over the world have been using gemstones and crystals for centuries, receiving awesome benefits thanks to the stones' strong healing powers that also bring positive changes to the mind and body. Some experts use the properties of therapeutic gemstones and crystals to change auras and cure illnesses.


According to the Crystal Vaults website, for thousand of years, people have been using gemstones and crystals as divination devices. Some people practice "lithomancy," which is the process of divining with the use of rocks, gemstones and crystals. It's said that these precious stones have been used as an aid for psychic reading and development as they have a special ability to lend their own unique energies to the process of divination. Some people use crystals, gemstones and even regular stones in a similar way to tarot cards.

Tags: gemstones crystals, gemstones crystals, have been, These people, these precious, using gemstones