Thursday, February 19, 2009

Prevent Periodontal Diseases Like Oral Cancer

Periodontal diseases are all too common today, despite the advances that have been made in the field of dentistry. People still find themselves with gingivitis, and oral cancers. This is often due to the lackadaisical attitude many have about their oral health, or fear of going to the dentist. Of course, bad habits don't help much either, such as cigarette smoking. This article will explore prevent periodontal diseases such as oral cancer.


1. Get regular dental checkups. This is the most important step. The dentist will check to make sure your mouth and teeth are in good health, by screening for oral cancer and gingivitis, for instance. You will also get a good cleaning to help prevent these diseases from happening.

2. Practice good oral hygiene. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss and use a fluoride rinse at least once a day.

3. Get a good toothbrush and use it correctly. In general, you want a soft bristled toothbrush that angles so that you can reach the very back of your mouth and teeth. Learn hold the toothbrush and move it over the teeth. You don't want to saw back and forth, because this leads to gum recession. You want to use circular motions with a light, consistent pressure. The best toothbrushes are electric, especially the ones that stop working if you apply too much pressure.

4. Use a toothpaste that has many benefits. Find one that works for tartar control, cavity protection, sensitivity protection, and has fluoride. You might wish to get a prescription strength toothpaste from your dentist if you have certain problems, such as being at high risk for cavities or gingivitis.

5. Consider adding a waterpik to your dental hygiene care. A waterpik shoots a jet of water into your mouth, directed at the gum line to get rid of more plaque than by brushing, flossing and rinsing alone.

6. Limit eating or drinking things that cause cavities and plaque buildup. For instance, cereals and crackers are harder to clean off the teeth. These two foods also take longer to be broken down by the body, so allow for more bacteria to be present in the mouth for a longer period of time.

7. If you eat or drink something sweet, or a 'sticky' food that sticks to your teeth, brush them right away. If you can't, at least swoosh water through your mouth to get the food particles off of your teeth.

8. Consume xylitol. This sugar substitute helps to prevent cavities, by inhibiting the bacteria in your mouth that lead to plaque build up. Xylitol is most easily found in gum. You can purchase Xylitol gum at many health stores. Xylitol is also available in sugar packets, or as an ingredient in some foods. You might find, for instance, jams made with xylitol instead of sugar.

9. Avoid doing things that increase your risk of periodontal disease. Aside from your oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing, the next major factor is your use of tobacco products and drinking alcohol. Avoid smoking and/or chewing tobacco. Keep drinking alcohol to a minimum.

10. Wear sunscreen on your lips to prevent oral cancer on your lips. Even if you won't be out in the sun for long, or it's a cloudy day, use some type of lip balm with sunscreen.

11. Learn identify clues for periodontal disease. You can learn see if your gums are receding, if plaque is building up, and if you have any early signs of cancer. You can buy your own dental mirror, to check the back of your mouth and back of your teeth.

Tags: your mouth, your teeth, back your, back your mouth, brushing flossing, cancer your, drinking alcohol